Algorithms and systems that match data with relevant ontologies, which then categorize data into...

So I agree, the "which then categorize data" part of the statement above is what you're after. The part before about those algorithms, systems, ontologies - still a great deal of work to be done, and not a lot of people even aware of the problem set and domain itself. Not even those of us up here in the senior full-stack ether.

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AI has a tough time dealing with ontologies. For example, how would things be named in a Github style crafting system? If there are 100 ways to craft a DialogBox then there are 100 possible names! But the internet already uses dots as a way to establish taxonomy (e.g. multix.substack.com) and that may be good enough

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Interesting stuff, it appeals to me as someone who learned programming in an interactive environment (Winamp AVS visuals had persistent memory), used Lisp a lot and now works on enterprisey data integration projects

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When FPers talk about "immutable functions" they are really borrowing a concept from database theory, namely something called "transaction isolation". But if they agree w that, then they are kinda admitting that categories are more like "in-memory" database transactions. That sort of basic DBMS 101 stuff completely flies over the heads of otherwise intelligent FPers

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This is just a draft - sorry for any glaring typos. Am fiddling w the title for A B testing

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